There's a neon light ablaze
in this green smoky haze
laughter down on Elizabeth Street

Monday, May 24, 2010


I have definitely been slack with the blog posts! My sincerest of apologies...does that sound heartfelt? The end of the semester was a whirlwind. April seemed to never end with the amount of work I had to do and then grading 150 architecture essays the first week in May rendered me incapacitated. Then, as soon as I get home to Charleston and was able to rest I developed cussing bronchitis. I'm the only person I know that either gets bronchitis or pneumonia every year in May or June. I'm almost all better now and that will be the end of my complaining!

During one of my trips in between Auburn and Charleston I stumbled upon this little gem...
Yes, this is an advertisement on the back of a bathroom stall, in the gas station. And yes, I took a picture while I was in a gas station bathroom stall and yes, people were waiting to get in after me. No, I did not care that they had to wait longer so that I could take this picture. Anyway, my question is, why in the world do we need to be socially connected to a cussing gas station food mart?! What on earth could their status updates be? "Marlboro Reds 25% off"... "Cheetos, buy one, get one free"... You get the picture.

Is this what our generation has come to? I mean, talk about a car-centric country! Out of curiosity I looked to see how many people were fans or "like" Quick Trip...216. That's 216 people I hope I NEVER meet. If you're one of them I will de-friend you without the slightest hesitation. This is what it says on their page, which I could not fully access because I have not clicked "like", but so be it.
Our goal is to make this Community Page the best collection of shared knowledge on this topic. If you have a passion for Quick Trip, sign up and we'll let you know when we're ready for your help. You can also get us started by suggesting a relevant Wikipedia article or the Official Site.

Who the cuss has a passion for Quick Trip?! I hope the 216 people are all major stockholders or something. Alright, that will be the end of my rant against Quick Trip and facebook.

Moving on...

What am I doing with my summer away from the farm you may ask? Well, actually I'm sure everyone that reads this (assuming anyone still does) is my friend on facebook and you've gotten my annoying messages regarding my summer research project. Just in case you choose to hit ignore, I'll tell you about it.

Basically, my brother William and I are traveling around the country stopping in cities to interview people aged 23ish-35ish on their thoughts on the "American Dream" and cities and yada, yada, yada. The only way this is going to work financially is if we can stay at people's houses. We'll sleep on the floor...I think we have an air mattress. Cuss, we'll even sleep on the porch. Anyway, I'll be blogging along the way in a hopefully more regular manner. We're also going to film the whole thing. We'll see how that works out...

If you want to know more about it please email me. The plans are somewhat fluid, but basically we're covering the perimeter of the country...sorry heartland, we can't do it all! I'd like to leave June 1ish, but we'll see how that goes. My planning hasn't been the best. I want to plan cities one day, but I can hardly plan what I'm going to do a week from now.

Here's the problem. My blog title is not very fitting for this trip. I need a new one. I need help with that. Any ideas? Anyone?

Alright, this post has gotten long enough on words and short on images so I'm sure you're all bored to tears...if you even made it down this far on the page. I'll try to be more regular in my posts, but there's a lot of pressure to be witty and I'm just not that witty all the time.

ok. bye.

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